Volkswagen Light Duty and Commercial Vehicles https://erwin.volkswagen.de/erwin/showHome.do
Audi https://erwin.audi.com/erwin/showHome.do
Bentley https://erwin.bentleymotors.com/erwin/showHome.do#top
Cupra-Seat https://erwin.seat.com/erwin/showHome.do
Skoda https://erwin.skoda-auto.cz/erwin/showHome.do
Lamborghini https://erwin.lamborghini.com/erwin/showHome.do
Lamborghini Service and Repair Manuals https://serviceinformation.lamborghini.com/
Audi https://erwin.audi.com/erwin/showHome.do
Bentley https://erwin.bentleymotors.com/erwin/showHome.do#top
Cupra-Seat https://erwin.seat.com/erwin/showHome.do
Skoda https://erwin.skoda-auto.cz/erwin/showHome.do
Lamborghini https://erwin.lamborghini.com/erwin/showHome.do
Lamborghini Service and Repair Manuals https://serviceinformation.lamborghini.com/
Application Fees Per Brand (Audi, VW passenger, VW commercial, Skoda, Cupra)
Security Coding A$350+
EV information A$350+
VW AG does not participate in AASRA. Brands include: Audi, Bentley, Cupra, Lamborghini, Skoda, Volkswagen
Any requests for service and repair information should be directed via their website (above links).
AASRA does manage the complaint process. If, after contacting the brand’s support you are unable to resolve your issue, you can file a Missing Information Report (MIR) on the AASRA home page. Browsers Edge, Firefox, Windows 10 or later.
Any requests for service and repair information should be directed via their website (above links).
AASRA does manage the complaint process. If, after contacting the brand’s support you are unable to resolve your issue, you can file a Missing Information Report (MIR) on the AASRA home page. Browsers Edge, Firefox, Windows 10 or later.
NAVIGATION: VW Group Navigation 2024
ODIS GUIDE – VW ODIS Quick Guide v34
Digital Service Schedule: Products & Services, Digital Service Schedule, select magnifying glass (history). Create maintenance table to add a new service. Note: date format yyyy/mm. Select dropdown Current Service Type, select items, click “Create To Log The Service Record”.
VW Group sites subscription fees are listed below
Volkswagen and Cupra Service Information Fees (per brand - EURO)
- Hourly
- 7
- Daily
- 30
- Weekly
- 130
- Monthly
- 310
- Yearly
- 2850
Volkswagen & Audi Diagnostic Software Licence - ODIS (per brand - EURO)
- Hour
- 10
- Day
- 25
- Week
- 110
- Month
- 210
- Year
- 1760
Audi & Bentley Service Information Fees (per brand - EURO)
- Hour
- 4
- Day
- 21
- Week
- 88
- Month
- 310
- Year
- 2850
Skoda Service Information Fees (EURO)
- Hour
- 7
- Day
- 25
- Week
- 108
- Month
- 252
- Year
- 2334
Lamborghini Service Information Fees (EURO)
- Day
- 290
- Month (30 days)
- 900
- Year
- 7660
Cupra Diagnostic Software - ODIS (EURO)
- Hour
- 9
- Day
- 25
- Week
- 95
- Month
- 190
- Year
- 827
Skoda Diagnostic Software - ODIS (EURO)
- Hour
- 9
- Day
- 23
- Week
- 65
- Month
- 140
- Year
- 723
Bentley Diagnostic Software - ODIS (EURO)
- Hour
- 10
- Day
- 45
- Week
- 179
- Month
- 394
- Year
- 3822
Lamborghini Diagnostic Software and Security Applications (EURO)
- LARA Diagnostic Licence
- 1552 (30 Days) 3560 (Year)
- ODIS Diagnostic Licence
- 310 (30 Days) 2850 (Year)
- Security Application (Geko)
- 700 (180 Days)
- Geko Token
- 700 (30 Days) 2760 (Year)
Diagnostic Hardware - J2534 - purchase from dealer
- VAS6154B (ASE40543103001) USB, VCI
- A$2953.00+GST
- Laptop - VAS6150F (ASE99520675026)
- A$7574.00+GST
- Fischer adapter cable - VAS652-009 (ASE65200900000)
- A$214.00+GST